To live is to transcend the level of mere existence to a place where you are in full control of your life and happiness by getting to do those things you not only want to, but things you just feel like experiencing. To enjoy your life:

  1. Say this to yourself, “I deserve all the beauty, love and pleasantness there is, in and around me”

That is where it all begins, your mind. Your willingness to believe, embrace, relish and accept that everything beautiful is also for your enjoyment; irrespective of your colour or so-called social status.

To know more about how special you are, read: “I am special”

  1. Learn a new skill

Learn how to make a dress, dance salsa, sing in an opera, speak French, play a musical instrument, or cook your favourite meal… the list is endless; with each presenting you an opportunity to take control and live your life.

  1. Pamper yourself

Go for a massage, lather yourself in coconut oil, have a cup of coffee, have your nails done and beards groomed, watch funny videos and laugh hard. Simply allow the child in you receive all the care and attention you deserve; and you sure would enjoy every second as the clock ticks.

  1. Enjoy that meal

Instead of just eating that food, taste it, appreciate its richness and the ambience in which you are having it.

  1. Listen to music

Music presents you a great opportunity to live in the spirit of the song playing. So, sing along to your favourite song and dance to the rhythm and enjoy all beats as the music moves you.


  1. Gather with old friends:

This is a great way to enjoy your life. When you gather, engage in fun activities like; playing board games, mind games, exercise or book a group yoga session for your enjoyment.

  1. Travel

Beyond the four corners of your compound, neighborhood or city; go somewhere new; explore and experience the beauty and diversity in nature and the cultures of the world around you. This gives you an opportunity to live a million times within your lifetime

  1. Take Photos

Capture beautiful and treasured moments in a photo and preserve them in a gallery so you can relive those pleasant times over and over again. This would create memories that would last forever.

  1. Go to an Art Gallery and visit a Museum

It is both educative and entertaining. A cocktail of fun and enlightenment for you to richly enjoy. This would leave you elated, refreshed and your mind bobbling with fresh perspective.

  1. Read a Novel, a Classic Book or Inspiring Quotes

To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquires” – Anthony C. Grayling

A Reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who doesn’t read lives only one” – Jojen Reed

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a book; start reading and start living!

  1. Exercise

Apart from making you happier and helping you stay in shape, exercise improves your brain health and memory and it also reduce your risk of chronic diseases, so you can live longer.


  1. Go out on a Date

Have a candle light dinner with a loved one and also get to enjoy the view of sunset together.

  1. Get a Pet

Pets? You might ask. Of course, pets. They can indeed be a part of your everyday lives and part of the families. They have a unique way of not only providing us with companionship but also with emotional support, reduce our stress levels, sense of loneliness and help us to increase our social activities and can add to a child’s self-esteem and positive emotional development.

Before you say you don’t like dogs or cats, the options are limitless. Rabbits, parrot, gold-fish, guinea pig: just to mention a few.

  1. Skydive

Skydive? Well… not necessarily. Dare to face that thing you have always dreaded: kayak across a lake, hike on the mountains, handle that reptile, and so on. The rush of adrenaline you to get experience daring to face your fears would indeed leave you ecstatic and full of life.

  1. Give

Volunteer to help in a community project, visit an orphanage, buy some fruits and take to the sick in a hospital. These acts of love are ways to live and add beauty, colour and radiance to your life.

I hope we have been able to offer some ideas as to how you can enjoy your life. Feel free to share your thoughts and add to the list in the comment box below.
